Just a Reminder: AOMS Fall Pictures Tuesday, September 11 Students are to bring their order form and payment, preferably a check, to give to the photographer on picture day. Order online at mylifetouch.com ID Code JP048036Y0
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Algebra Graphing a pattern and then converting it to a numerical table.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
8th Algebra Mrs. Miner
8th Grade Science: Calculating the absorption rate of a Gummy Bear
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Mrs. O'Connor Science
The girls’ softball team beat Buffalo Tri-City last night, 16-1, to earn them a spot in the regional semi-final. The girls will be playing Saturday, September 8th in Pawnee @ 11:15 a.m. Go Bombers!
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
AOMS Fall Pictures Tuesday, September 11 Students were given an order form last week. Students are to bring their order form and payment, preferably a check, to give to the photographer on picture day. Order online at mylifetouch.com ID Code JP048036Y0
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Announcements Wednesday, Sept 5 Happy birthday to Mackenzie . When you finish eating breakfast, all students must report to the All-Purpose Room. If you are not eating breakfast, you will be instructed by staff to go to the All-Purpose Room. Softball starts IESA Regionals so wish them luck. Baseball team has a home game against Okaw Valley tonight at 4:15 Girls’ basketball tryouts will continue tomorrow from 4:30-6:30 in Bomber Gym.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Please come to our FIRST HOME FOOTBALL GAME. Students need to go home after school and then come to the game with their parents. An schedule of events is listed below: SITE: Argenta Oreana High School Opponent: Meridian DATE: Friday, August 31, 2018 TIME: 7:00 pm GATES OPEN: 5:30 pm ADMISSION: $4.00 Adults $3.00 Students Seniors, Children, Babies in Arms Free Field and track will be available for self-guided tours from 5:00-6:00. Dinner is available from 5:30 – End of First quarter. General Information: Parking Non-reserved parking is located in the high school lot, middle school, on the old practice field, and areas along the streets as identified by the City of Argenta. Footballs Footballs or other objects that are deemed to be a possible distractions to the on the field competition and are not allowed inside the gates. Items will be confiscated and returned at the conclusion of the game. End zone/Sideline Viewing Fans are allowed to stand in the west end zone outside the fencing. Sideline viewing will be allowed outside the fencing as well. Alcoholic Beverages The possession, distribution, sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Tobacco Tobacco is prohibited on school grounds Concession Stand Concession Stand is located just inside the football gates in the new entrance facility. Pets Pets (other than service animals) are not allowed on school property.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Students Presenting Auto-Bio Timelines
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Timeline Presentations
In 6th grade science, students were conducting an experiment to find out if a pencil can be poked through plastic bag full of water without leaking and then explaining why?
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
No Leaks-Why is that?
The AOMS Softball Game will be played in Oreana TODAY, 8/29/18, as SCHEDULED, 4:30 PM vs. Mt. Pulaski.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
The Middle School Baseball game today is cancelled, 8/29/18. There will be NO practice.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Announcements Wednesday, Aug 29 Good luck to the girls’ softball team tonight against Mt. Pulaski. . The boys’ game today is against Decatur Lutheran These are home games, so consider coming to cheer on our teams, Go Bombers! There will be a Yearbook Staff meeting at lunch today. Please meet in Ms. Reynolds’ room with your lunch. Fall picture day is September 11th. Flyers will be passed out during 8th period. Girls basketball tryouts will begin next week. Tuesday, September 4th and Thursday, September 6th. Tryouts will be from 4:30-6:30pm in Bomber gym. Make sure to register on 8 to 18 and have a current physical on file. *softball girls trying out - see coach B before lunch to clarify times due to having practice. Fifth period teachers will escort their class for assigned seating at lunch. The cafeteria must be kept clean and students are to be dismissed by the supervisor before you can leave the table. Today’s thought is: You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
AOMS Fall Pictures September 11 Students will receive an informational flyer today during 8th period. Order online at mylifetouch.com ID Code JP048036Y0
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
The Gerber State Bank notified us that the Phyllis Madeline Winings Trust awarded $15,260 to our school district to purchase Chromebooks and storage carts for students. We are so thankful!
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
PE uniforms were handed out today. Students will use their uniform everyday and should take home on Fridays for washing.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
PE Today
Mrs. O'Connor's Academic Opportunities class were using bio-graphs to get know each other today.
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
Students are looking for each other's bio-graphs.
The middle school softball game scheduled for this afternoon has been moved to Monticello due to field conditions in Oreana. Game time 4:15
over 6 years ago, Mike Williams
The AOEF and The Class of 2021 will be hosting a Bomber Tailgate from 5:30 pm to the end of the first quarter at the first home football game on Friday, August 31st. Our goal is to make Friday Night Bomber Tailgates a new tradition as we believe the AOHS athletic complex is the place to be for home varsity football games on Friday nights. Please come eat with us and help us celebrate our first game on our new football field. Let’s have a great meal, enjoy our Bomber Community, and pack the place for our first home game!!!! #WEareAO #PROUDTOBEABOMBER #WEARORANGEANDBLUE
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair
AOHS and AOMS kick off the school year with a cheer!
over 6 years ago, Pat Blair